Fairness Board


The procedures to be followed and the problems to be considered shall be approved by the Academic Senate and published as a document entitled Fairness Board Description and Procedures. The Board shall report to the Provost and Academic Senate Chair.

Questions regarding the grievance process should be directed to the committee chair.


  • Address academically related, grading, matters for students and instructors. As needed
  • Develop a clear flow chart for students who appeal to the Fairness Board. AY2023-24
  • Review bylaws to consider issues such as grievances after graduation and 60-day grade change requirement and who, other than the students, is entitled to be involved or informed with regards to a case. AY2023-2024
  • Discuss revisions to academic honestly policy (AS-722-10) and recommend policy changes; focus on plagiarism and grade resolution procedure. AY2023-24
  • Review and revise (if necessary) Fairness Board Description and Procedures and distribute to Department Heads/Chairs, Deans/Associate Deans. AY2023-2024
  • Discuss impact of Q2S conversion on Fairness Board internal policy and procedure and draft revision plans as needed. Ongoing through conversion
  • Review and modify committee bylaws as needed. Ongoing


Fall Quarter 2024: TBD


Shall include voting General Faculty representative from each college and Professional Consultative Services. The Academic Senate Chair is an ex officio, nonvoting member. Ex officio members are the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee and two ASI representatives with no less than junior standing and three consecutive quarters of attendance at Cal Poly preceding appointment.

2024-2025 Membership
Name Department College/Unit Office Phone Email (@calpoly.edu) Exp. Term
Awwad, Mohamed Ind&Mftg Eng CENG 66243 mawwad 2025
Gill, Samantha NRME CAFES 66205 sgill 2024
Groom, David OSRR StudAffairs 62794 dgroom EO (VP/StudAffs)
Lehr, Corinne (CH) Chem&Biochem CSM 61274 clehr 2025
Sarraf,Krista English CLA 65131 ksarraf 2025
Shin, Joongmin Indst Tech&Pckg OCOB 62710 jshin20 2025
VACANT   CAED     2026
VACANT   PCS     2026
VACANT Student ASI 61281   EO(ASI)
VACANT Student ASI 61281   EO (ASI)

Committee Procedures:

Fairness Board Description and Procedures



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Click here for 2024 Winter Quarterly Report (pdf)

Click here for 2023 Fall Quarterly Report (pdf)

Click here for 2023 Spring Quarterly Report (pdf)

Click here for 2023 Winter Quarterly Report (pdf)

Click here for 2022 Fall Quarterly Report (pdf)

Click here for 2022 Spring Quarterly Report (pdf)

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Click here for 2021 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2021 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2021 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2020 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2020 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2020 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2019 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2019 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2018 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2018 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

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Click here for 2017 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2017 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

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Click here for 2016 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2016 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2016 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2015 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2015 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

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Click here for 2014 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2013-2014 Year-end Report (pdf)

Click here for 2014 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2013 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2012-2013 Year-End Report (pdf)

Click here for 2013 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2012 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2011-2012 Year-end Report (pdf)

Click here for 2012 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2011 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2011 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2011 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2010 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2010 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2010 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2009 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2009 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2009 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2008 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2008 Spring Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2008 Winter Quarter Report (pdf)

Click here for 2007 Fall Quarter Report (pdf)


AS-800-15 Resolution on Modification of Retention of Exams Policy - President Armstrong acknowledged receipt and approval on June 30, 2015

AS-765-13 Resolution on Revisions to Fairness Board Description and Procedures (Role of Student Ombuds Services and Provost as final authority for grade changes) - President Armstrong acknowledges receipt and agreement on July 11, 2013

AS-722-10 Resolution on Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and Plagiarism Procedures - Interim President Glidden acknowledged receipt and approval on January 4, 2011

AS-719-10 Resolution on Academic Senate Fairness Board Descriptions and Procedures - Interim President Glidden acknowledged receipt and approval on January 4, 2011

AS-684-09 Resolution on Revision to Fairness Board Description and Procedures - Approved by President Baker on June 22, 2009

AS-673-08 Resolution on Revision to Campus Administrative Manual Section 684: Academic Dishonesty-Cheating and Plagiarism

AS-672-08 Resolution on Revisions to Fairness Board Description and Procedures - Approved by President Baker on July 10, 2008

AS-655-07 Resolution on Consolidation on Academic Senate Fairness and Student Grievance Boards - President Baker acknowledged receipt and approval on June 6, 2007

AS-548-00/FB Revision of Fairness Board Description and Procedures - President Baker acknowledged receipt and approval on May 4, 2001

AS-508-98/EX Resolution on Changes to the Bylaws of the Academic Senate - President Baker acknowledged receipt on January 28, 1999

AS-500-98/ETF Resolution on Student Grievance Process - Approved by President Baker on September 19, 1998

AS-367-91/FB Resolution on Revision of "Fairness Board Description and Procedures" to Include an Annual Reporting Clause - Acknowledged by President Baker on June 11, 1991

AS-251-87/FBC Resolution on Fairness Board Description and Procedures - President Baker acknowledged receipt on May 14, 1987

AS-247-87/SA&FBC Resolution on Retention of Exams and Student Access to Same - Approved by President Baker on May 7, 1987

AS-246-87/SA&FBC Resolution on Cheating and Plagiarism (revised) - Approved by President Baker on October 3, 1988

AS-103-80/IC Resolution Regarding Guidelines for Withdrawal From Classes After the Census Date - Approved and endorsed by President Baker on October 3, 1988

AS-64-79/FB Class Withdrawal Procedures

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