2024-2025 Senators

Membership of the Academic Senate consists of three elected senators from each college (Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences; Architecture and Environmental Design; Business; Engineering; Liberal Arts; and Science and Mathematics) plus one senator for each 30 faculty members or major fraction thereof. Personnel in Professional Consultative Services are represented by the formula of one senator per each fifteen members or major fraction thereof. Senators acting in an at-large capacity are the current Academic Senate Chair, the immediate Past Chair of the Academic Senate, and the two CSU statewide academic senators. Ex officio (nonvoting) members include the President of the University or designee, the Provost or designee, one representative from among the academic deans, the President and Chair for the Board of Directors of Associated Students, Inc., and the Vice President for Student Affairs.       

* Designates College Caucus Chair

By College: CAED, CAFES, OCOB, CENG, CLA, BCSM, PCS, Ex Officio

2024-2025 SENATORS
Name Department College Office        Email (@calpoly.edu)


Ends spring

Adams, Aubrie CommSt CLA 65997 aadams45 2026
Amos, Dave City&Reg Plng CAED 66317 daveamos 2025
Anderson, Christian WorldLanguages CLA 61620 cander55 2026
Armstrong, Jeff Pres Ofc President 66000 jarmstro Ex Officio
Ayash, Brian (Leave fall 24) Finance OCOB 62629 bayash 2026
Bednarek, Zieowit (sub fall 24) Finance OCOB 62336 zbednare F24
Cabugos, Leyla Acmdc Svs-Library PCS 65719 lcabugos 2025
Camp, Dave Math BCSM 61661 camp 2026
Canady, Sabrina Acdmc Advsing-CLA PCS 66200 scanady 2026
Clements, John  CompSci CENG 66528 clements 2025
Daubert, Sarah P/T Empl. Rep OCOB 62356 sdaubert 2025
Deb, Nikhil Soc Sci CLA 61720 ndeb 2026
Denny, Reagan Chair/BOD ASI 61291 rjdenny Ex Officio
Derickson, Dennis EE CENG 67584 ddericks 2025
Dunton, Steve P/T Empl. Rep CENG 62781 sdunton 2025
El Badawy, Amro Civ&EnvEngr CENG 66217 aelbadaw 2025
Frame, Samuel  Stats Statewide Senator 65802 sframe 2026
Frantz, Derik Chem&BC BCSM 62479 dfrantz 2025
Fraser, Scott Physics BCSM 62800 scfraser 2026
Garner, Lauren PlantSci CAFES 62479 lgarner 2026
Greenwood, Jerusha (CH) ExpIndustry CAFES 62050 jbgreenw 2025
Gutierrez, Thomas  Past AcSenCh BCSM 62455 tdgutier Ex Officio
Haft, Jennifer President's Office Admin   jhaft Ex Officio
Hardy, Kristin BioSci BCSM 62806 kmhardy 2025
Healy, Brian Theater&Dance CLA 65560 bphealy 2026
Hitchcock, Kara APP-Advsing PCS 65779 khitch01 2026
Humphrey, Keith StudAffairs VP StudAffs 61521 humphrey Ex Officio
Hurley, Sean (CAFES Caucus Chair) AgriBus CAFES 65050 shurley 2025
Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia Provost's Ofc Provost 62246 provost Ex Officio
Kantorowski, Eric  Chem&BC BCSM 62796 ekantoro 2026
Kawamura, Lisa CFA President CFA 62569 lkawamur OfCounsel
Knight, Daniel (CAED Caucus Chair) ConstMgmt CAED 62671 dknigh01 2025
Kolodziejski, Lauren (CLA Caucus Chair) CommSt CLA 62535 lkolodzi 2025
Kommer, Thomas ConstMgmt CAED 66457 tkommer 2026
Kwapnoski, Tiffany App-Advising PCS 66510 tkwapnos 2026
Lacey, Lindsay (leave w&s 24) App-Advsng PCS 67037 lilacy 2025
Lease, Terry Wine&Viti CAFES 67339 lease 2025
Liu, Bo BRAE CAFES 62384 bliu17 2026
Liwanag, Heather BioSci BCSM 65202 hliwanag 2026
Maerz, Addison Mgmt&HR OCOB 67817 amaerz 2026
Maurice, Stefanee Kinesiology BCSM 62541 somauric 2026
McDonald-Liu, Casey Journalism CLA 62593 cmcdon09 2026
Mealy, James CompSci CENG 62781 bmealy 2025
Morris, Andrew AcadProgs Admin 62246 admorris Ex Officio
Navarro, Jose (VC) EthnicSt CLA 66268 jnavar17 2025
Nico, Phillip (CENG Caucus Chair) CompSci CENG 67124 pnico 2026
Oliver, John CompEngr CENG 65434 jyoliver 2025
Perry, Nathan P/T Empl. Rep CLA 66452 naperry 2025
Peuker, Steffen ME CENG 61353 speuker 2025
Poshtan, Majid EE CENG 62763 mposhtan 2025
Rein, Steven  Stats Statewide Senator 62941 srein 2025
Scaramozzino, Jeanine (PCS Caucus Chair) Library PCS 65677 jscaramo 2026
Schaffner, Andrew (BCSM Caucus Chair) Stats BCSM 61545 aschaffn 2026
Schwab, Keri EIM CAFES 65113 keschwab 2025
Shalhoub, Samuel P/T Empl. Rep BCSM 62935 sshalhou 2025
Shin, Joongmin IndTech OCOB 62710 jshin20 2025
Sikalidis, Angelos FoodSci&Nut CAFES 66596 asikalid 2025
Soldatenko, Gabriel Ethnic Studies CLA 66740 gsoldate 2025
Spragins, Ashleigh ASI President ASI 61291 aspragin 2025
Stegner, Dustin  English Statewide Senato 61277 pstegner 2027
Taufik, Taufik EE CENG 62318 taufik 2026
Vokos, Stamatis Physics BCSM 62306 svokos 2025
Wendt, Dean Dean's Cncl BCSM 62226 dwendt Ex Officio
Wood, Leah SOE BCSM 62079 awood17 2025
Wolfe-Chandler, Christina Univ-Advsng PCS 65735 crwolfe 2026
Wright, Ava Philosophy CLA 62868 avwright 2026
Wroldsen, Jack Acctg&Law OCOB 67617 jwroldsen 2025
Yang, Hocheol Graphic Comms CLA 62210 hyang25 2025


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College of Architecture and Environmental Design Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring
Amos, Dave City&Reg Plng 66317 daveamos 2025
Knight, Daniel   ConstMgmt 62671 dknigh01 2025
Kommer, Thomas ConstMgmt 66457 tkommer 2026
VACANT       2026
VACANT       2026
VACANT P/T Empl. Rep     2025
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College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring
Garner, Lauren PlantSci 62479 lgarner 2026
Hurley, Sean  AgriBus 65050 shurley 2025
Lease, Terry (CH) Wine&Viti 67339 lease 2025
Liu, Bo BRAE 62384 bliu17 2026
Schwab, Keri EIM 65113 keschwab 2025
Sikalidis, Angelos FoodSci&Nut CAFES asikalid 2025
VACANT P/T Empl. Rep     2025
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College of Business Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring

Ayash, Brian (Leave fall 2024) 

Finance 62629 bayash 2026
Bednark, Ziemowit Sub Fall 2024) Finance 62336 zbednare F2024
Maerz, Addision Mgmt 67817 amaerz 2026
Shin, Joongmin IndTech 62710 jshin20 2025
Wrodlsen, Jack Acctg&Law 67617 jwroldsen 2025
VACANT       2026
Daubert, Sarah P/T Empl. Rep 62356 sdaubert 2025
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College of Engineering Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring
Clements, John  CompSci 66528 clements 2025
Derickson, Dennis EE 67584 ddericks 2025
El Badawy, Amro Civ&EnvEngr 66217 ddericks 2025
Mealy, James CompSci 62781 bmealy 2025
Nico, Phillip (CH) CompSci 67124 pnico 2026
Oliver, John CompEngr 65434 jyoliver 2025
Peuker, Steffen ME 61353 speuker 2025
Poshtan, Majid EE 62763 mposhtan 2025
Taufik, Taufik EE 62318 taufik 2026
Dunton, Steve P/T Empl. Rep 62781 sdunton 2025
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College of Liberal Arts Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring
Adams, Aubrie CommSt 65997 aadams45 2026
Anderson, Christian WorldLang 61620 cander55 2026
Deb, Nikhil SocialSci 61720 ndeb 2026
Healy, Brian Theater&Dance 65560 bphealy 2026
Kolodziejski, Lauren (CH) CommSt 6535 lkolodzi 2025
McDonald-Liu, Casey Journalism 62593 cmcdon09 2026
Navarro, Jose (VCH) EthnicSt 62411 jnavar17 2025
Soldatenko, Gabriel EthnicSt 66740 gsoldate 2025
Yang, Hocheol Graphic Comms 62210 hyang25 2025
Stegner, Dustin (stwd) English 61277 pstegner 2027
Perry, Nathan P/T Empl. Rep 66452 naperry 2025
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Bailey College of Science and Mathematics Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring  
Camp, Dave Math 61661 camp 2026  
Frantz, Derik Chem&BC 62552 dfrantz 2025  
Fraser, Scott Physics 62800 scfraser 2026  
Hardy, Kristin  BioSci 62806 kmhardy 2025  
Kantorowski, Eric Chem&BC 62796 ekantoro 2026  
Liwanag, Heather BioSci 65202 hliwanag 2026  
Maurice, Stefanee Kinesiology 62541 somauric 2026  
Schaffner, Andrew (CH) Stats 61545 aschaffn 2026  
Vokos, Stamatis Physics 62306 svokos 2025  
Wood, Leah  SOE 62079 awood17 2025  

Frame, Samuel


Stats 65802 sframe 2026  
Rein, Steven (stwd)  Stats 62941 srein 2025  
Shalhoub, Samuel P/T Empl. Rep BCSM sshalhou 2025  
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Professional Consultative Services Senators

Name Department Office Email Term ends spring
Cabugos, Leyla Acdmc Svs - Library 65719 lcabugos 2025
Canady, Sabrina Acdmc Advsng-CLA 66200 scanady 2025
Hitchcock, Kara App-Advsng 65779 khitck01 2026

Kwapnoski, Tiffany

App-Advsng 66510 tkwapnos 2026
Lacey, Lindsay  App-Advsng 67037 lilacey 2025
Scaramozzino, Jeanine (CH) Library 65677 jscaramo 2026
Wolfe-Chandler, Christina Univ-Advsng 65735 crwolfe 2026
VACANT P/T Empl. Rep     2025
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Ex Officio Members

Name Position representing Email term ends spring
Armstrong, Jeff President President's Ofc jarmstro Ex Officio
Greenwood, Jerusha Senate Chair CAFES jbgreenw Ex Officio
Gutierrez, Thomas Past AcSenCh BCSM tdgutier Ex Officio
Frame, Samuel

Statewide Senator


Stats sframe


Rein, Steven  Statewide Senator Stats srein 2025
Stegner, Dustin Statewide Senator English pstegner 2027
Humphrey, Keith

VP StudAffs


Student Affiars




Ex Officio


Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia Provost's Ofc Provost provost Ex Officio
Spragains, Ashleigh President ASI aspragin Ex Officio
Denny, Reagan Chair/BOD ASI rjdenny Ex Officio
Kawamura, Lisa CFA President CFA lkawamur Of Counsel
Shalhoub, Samuel P/T Empl. Rep BCSM sshalhou 2025
VACANT P/T Empl. Rep CAED   2025
VACANT P/T Empl. Rep CAFES   2025
Perry, Nathan P/T Empl. Rep CLA naperry 2025
Dunton, Steve P/T Empl. Rep CENG sdunton 2025
Daubert, Sarah P/T Empl. Rep OCOB sdaubert 2025
VACANT P/T Temp. Rep PCS   2025
Wendt, Dean Dean/CSM Dean's Cncl dwendt Ex Officio
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