2024-2025 Senators
Membership of the Academic Senate consists of three elected senators from each college (Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences; Architecture and Environmental Design; Business; Engineering; Liberal Arts; and Science and Mathematics) plus one senator for each 30 faculty members or major fraction thereof. Personnel in Professional Consultative Services are represented by the formula of one senator per each fifteen members or major fraction thereof. Senators acting in an at-large capacity are the current Academic Senate Chair, the immediate Past Chair of the Academic Senate, and the two CSU statewide academic senators. Ex officio (nonvoting) members include the President of the University or designee, the Provost or designee, one representative from among the academic deans, the President and Chair for the Board of Directors of Associated Students, Inc., and the Vice President for Student Affairs.
* Designates College Caucus Chair
By College: CAED, CAFES, OCOB, CENG, CLA, BCSM, PCS, Ex Officio
Name | Department | College | Office | Email (@calpoly.edu) |
Term Ends spring |
Adams, Aubrie | CommSt | CLA | 65997 | aadams45 | 2026 |
Amos, Dave | City&Reg Plng | CAED | 66317 | daveamos | 2025 |
Anderson, Christian | WorldLanguages | CLA | 61620 | cander55 | 2026 |
Armstrong, Jeff | Pres Ofc | President | 66000 | jarmstro | Ex Officio |
Ayash, Brian (Leave fall 24) | Finance | OCOB | 62629 | bayash | 2026 |
Bednarek, Zieowit (sub fall 24) | Finance | OCOB | 62336 | zbednare | F24 |
Cabugos, Leyla | Acmdc Svs-Library | PCS | 65719 | lcabugos | 2025 |
Camp, Dave | Math | BCSM | 61661 | camp | 2026 |
Canady, Sabrina | Acdmc Advsing-CLA | PCS | 66200 | scanady | 2026 |
Clements, John | CompSci | CENG | 66528 | clements | 2025 |
Daubert, Sarah | P/T Empl. Rep | OCOB | 62356 | sdaubert | 2025 |
Deb, Nikhil | Soc Sci | CLA | 61720 | ndeb | 2026 |
Denny, Reagan | Chair/BOD | ASI | 61291 | rjdenny | Ex Officio |
Derickson, Dennis | EE | CENG | 67584 | ddericks | 2025 |
Dunton, Steve | P/T Empl. Rep | CENG | 62781 | sdunton | 2025 |
El Badawy, Amro | Civ&EnvEngr | CENG | 66217 | aelbadaw | 2025 |
Frame, Samuel | Stats | Statewide Senator | 65802 | sframe | 2026 |
Frantz, Derik | Chem&BC | BCSM | 62479 | dfrantz | 2025 |
Fraser, Scott | Physics | BCSM | 62800 | scfraser | 2026 |
Garner, Lauren | PlantSci | CAFES | 62479 | lgarner | 2026 |
Greenwood, Jerusha (CH) | ExpIndustry | CAFES | 62050 | jbgreenw | 2025 |
Gutierrez, Thomas | Past AcSenCh | BCSM | 62455 | tdgutier | Ex Officio |
Haft, Jennifer | President's Office | Admin | jhaft | Ex Officio | |
Hardy, Kristin | BioSci | BCSM | 62806 | kmhardy | 2025 |
Healy, Brian | Theater&Dance | CLA | 65560 | bphealy | 2026 |
Heberling, Lydia | Ethnic Studies | CLA | 61467 | lhberli | 2025 |
Hitchcock, Kara | APP-Advsing | PCS | 65779 | khitch01 | 2026 |
Humphrey, Keith | StudAffairs | VP StudAffs | 61521 | humphrey | Ex Officio |
Hurley, Sean (CAFES Caucus Chair) | AgriBus | CAFES | 65050 | shurley | 2025 |
Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia | Provost's Ofc | Provost | 62246 | provost | Ex Officio |
Kantorowski, Eric | Chem&BC | BCSM | 62796 | ekantoro | 2026 |
Kawamura, Lisa | CFA President | CFA | 62569 | lkawamur | OfCounsel |
Knight, Daniel (CAED Caucus Chair) | ConstMgmt | CAED | 62671 | dknigh01 | 2025 |
Kommer, Thomas | ConstMgmt | CAED | 66457 | tkommer | 2026 |
Kwapnoski, Tiffany | App-Advising | PCS | 66510 | tkwapnos | 2026 |
Lacey, Lindsay (leave w&s 24) | App-Advsng | PCS | 67037 | lilacy | 2025 |
Lease, Terry | Wine&Viti | CAFES | 67339 | lease | 2025 |
Liu, Bo | BRAE | CAFES | 62384 | bliu17 | 2026 |
Liwanag, Heather | BioSci | BCSM | 65202 | hliwanag | 2026 |
Maerz, Addison | Mgmt&HR | OCOB | 67817 | amaerz | 2026 |
Maurice, Stefanee | Kinesiology | BCSM | 62541 | somauric | 2026 |
McDonald-Liu, Casey | Journalism | CLA | 62593 | cmcdon09 | 2026 |
Mealy, James | CompSci | CENG | 62781 | bmealy | 2025 |
Morris, Andrew | AcadProgs | Admin | 62246 | admorris | Ex Officio |
Navarro, Jose (VC) | EthnicSt | CLA | 66268 | jnavar17 | 2025 |
Nico, Phillip (CENG Caucus Chair) | CompSci | CENG | 67124 | pnico | 2026 |
Oliver, John | CompEngr | CENG | 65434 | jyoliver | 2025 |
Perry, Nathan | P/T Empl. Rep | CLA | 66452 | naperry | 2025 |
Peuker, Steffen | ME | CENG | 61353 | speuker | 2025 |
Poshtan, Majid | EE | CENG | 62763 | mposhtan | 2025 |
Rein, Steven | Stats | Statewide Senator | 62941 | srein | 2025 |
Scaramozzino, Jeanine (PCS Caucus Chair) | Library | PCS | 65677 | jscaramo | 2026 |
Schaffner, Andrew (BCSM Caucus Chair) | Stats | BCSM | 61545 | aschaffn | 2026 |
Schwab, Keri | EIM | CAFES | 65113 | keschwab | 2025 |
Shalhoub, Samuel | P/T Empl. Rep | BCSM | 62935 | sshalhou | 2025 |
Sikalidis, Angelos | FoodSci&Nut | CAFES | 66596 | asikalid | 2025 |
Soldatenko, Gabriel (CLA Caucus Chair) | Ethnic Studies | CLA | 66740 | gsoldate | 2025 |
Spragins, Ashleigh | ASI President | ASI | 61291 | aspragin | 2025 |
Stegner, Dustin | English | Statewide Senato | 61277 | pstegner | 2027 |
Taufik, Taufik | EE | CENG | 62318 | taufik | 2026 |
Vokos, Stamatis | Physics | BCSM | 62306 | svokos | 2025 |
Wendt, Dean | Dean's Cncl | BCSM | 62226 | dwendt | Ex Officio |
Wood, Leah | SOE | BCSM | 62079 | awood17 | 2025 |
Wolfe-Chandler, Christina | Univ-Advsng | PCS | 65735 | crwolfe | 2026 |
Wright, Ava | Philosophy | CLA | 62868 | avwright | 2026 |
Wroldsen, Jack | Acctg&Law | OCOB | 67617 | jwroldsen | 2025 |
Yang, Hocheol | Graphic Comms | CLA | 62210 | hyang25 | 2025 |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Amos, Dave | City&Reg Plng | 66317 | daveamos | 2025 |
Knight, Daniel | ConstMgmt | 62671 | dknigh01 | 2025 |
Kommer, Thomas | ConstMgmt | 66457 | tkommer | 2026 |
VACANT | 2026 | |||
VACANT | 2026 | |||
VACANT | P/T Empl. Rep | 2025 | ||
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Garner, Lauren | PlantSci | 62479 | lgarner | 2026 |
Hurley, Sean | AgriBus | 65050 | shurley | 2025 |
Lease, Terry (CH) | Wine&Viti | 67339 | lease | 2025 |
Liu, Bo | BRAE | 62384 | bliu17 | 2026 |
Schwab, Keri | EIM | 65113 | keschwab | 2025 |
Sikalidis, Angelos | FoodSci&Nut | CAFES | asikalid | 2025 |
VACANT | P/T Empl. Rep | 2025 | ||
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Ayash, Brian (Leave fall 2024) |
Finance | 62629 | bayash | 2026 |
Bednark, Ziemowit Sub Fall 2024) | Finance | 62336 | zbednare | F2024 |
Maerz, Addision | Mgmt | 67817 | amaerz | 2026 |
Wrodlsen, Jack | Acctg&Law | 67617 | jwroldsen | 2025 |
VACANT | 2025 | |||
VACANT | 2026 | |||
Daubert, Sarah | P/T Empl. Rep | 62356 | sdaubert | 2025 |
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Clements, John | CompSci | 66528 | clements | 2025 |
Derickson, Dennis | EE | 67584 | ddericks | 2025 |
El Badawy, Amro | Civ&EnvEngr | 66217 | aelbadaw | 2025 |
Mealy, James | CompSci | 62781 | bmealy | 2025 |
Nico, Phillip (CH) | CompSci | 67124 | pnico | 2026 |
Oliver, John | CompEngr | 65434 | jyoliver | 2025 |
Peuker, Steffen | ME | 61353 | speuker | 2025 |
Poshtan, Majid | EE | 62763 | mposhtan | 2025 |
Taufik, Taufik | EE | 62318 | taufik | 2026 |
Dunton, Steve | P/T Empl. Rep | 62781 | sdunton | 2025 |
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Adams, Aubrie | CommSt | 65997 | aadams45 | 2026 |
Anderson, Christian | WorldLang | 61620 | cander55 | 2026 |
Deb, Nikhil | SocialSci | 61720 | ndeb | 2026 |
Healy, Brian | Theater&Dance | 65560 | bphealy | 2026 |
Heberling, Lydia | EthnicSt | 61467 | lhberli | 2025 |
McDonald-Liu, Casey | Journalism | 62593 | cmcdon09 | 2026 |
Navarro, Jose (VCH) | EthnicSt | 62411 | jnavar17 | 2025 |
Soldatenko, Gabriel (CH) | EthnicSt | 66740 | gsoldate | 2025 |
Yang, Hocheol | Graphic Comms | 62210 | hyang25 | 2025 |
Stegner, Dustin (stwd) | English | 61277 | pstegner | 2027 |
Perry, Nathan | P/T Empl. Rep | 66452 | naperry | 2025 |
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | ||
Camp, Dave | Math | 61661 | camp | 2026 | |
Frantz, Derik | Chem&BC | 62552 | dfrantz | 2025 | |
Fraser, Scott | Physics | 62800 | scfraser | 2026 | |
Hardy, Kristin | BioSci | 62806 | kmhardy | 2025 | |
Kantorowski, Eric | Chem&BC | 62796 | ekantoro | 2026 | |
Liwanag, Heather | BioSci | 65202 | hliwanag | 2026 | |
Maurice, Stefanee | Kinesiology | 62541 | somauric | 2026 | |
Schaffner, Andrew (CH) | Stats | 61545 | aschaffn | 2026 | |
Vokos, Stamatis | Physics | 62306 | svokos | 2025 | |
Wood, Leah | SOE | 62079 | awood17 | 2025 | |
Frame, Samuel (stwd) |
Stats | 65802 | sframe | 2026 | |
Rein, Steven (stwd) | Stats | 62941 | srein | 2025 | |
Shalhoub, Samuel | P/T Empl. Rep | BCSM | sshalhou | 2025 | |
Back to Top |
Name | Department | Office | Term ends spring | |
Cabugos, Leyla | Acdmc Svs - Library | 65719 | lcabugos | 2025 |
Canady, Sabrina | Acdmc Advsng-CLA | 66200 | scanady | 2025 |
Hitchcock, Kara | App-Advsng | 65779 | khitck01 | 2026 |
Kwapnoski, Tiffany |
App-Advsng | 66510 | tkwapnos | 2026 |
Lacey, Lindsay | App-Advsng | 67037 | lilacey | 2025 |
Scaramozzino, Jeanine (CH) | Library | 65677 | jscaramo | 2026 |
Wolfe-Chandler, Christina | Univ-Advsng | 65735 | crwolfe | 2026 |
VACANT | P/T Empl. Rep | 2025 | ||
Back to Top |
Name | Position | representing | term ends spring | |
Armstrong, Jeff | President | President's Ofc | jarmstro | Ex Officio |
Greenwood, Jerusha | Senate Chair | CAFES | jbgreenw | Ex Officio |
Gutierrez, Thomas | Past AcSenCh | BCSM | tdgutier | Ex Officio |
Frame, Samuel |
Statewide Senator
Stats | sframe |
2026 |
Rein, Steven | Statewide Senator | Stats | srein | 2025 |
Stegner, Dustin | Statewide Senator | English | pstegner | 2027 |
Humphrey, Keith |
VP StudAffs
Student Affiars
Ex Officio
Jackson-Elmoore, Cynthia | Provost's Ofc | Provost | provost | Ex Officio |
Spragains, Ashleigh | President | ASI | aspragin | Ex Officio |
Denny, Reagan | Chair/BOD | ASI | rjdenny | Ex Officio |
Kawamura, Lisa | CFA President | CFA | lkawamur | Of Counsel |
Shalhoub, Samuel | P/T Empl. Rep | BCSM | sshalhou | 2025 |
VACANT | P/T Empl. Rep | CAED | 2025 | |
VACANT | P/T Empl. Rep | CAFES | 2025 | |
Perry, Nathan | P/T Empl. Rep | CLA | naperry | 2025 |
Dunton, Steve | P/T Empl. Rep | CENG | sdunton | 2025 |
Daubert, Sarah | P/T Empl. Rep | OCOB | sdaubert | 2025 |
VACANT | P/T Temp. Rep | PCS | 2025 | |
Wendt, Dean | Dean/CSM | Dean's Cncl | dwendt | Ex Officio |
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