WASC - Teacher-Scholar Model Task Force


To produce a resolution for Senate consideration stating what the teacher-scholar model means for Cal Poly.

To produce a resolution for Senate consideration on professional development plan and university-level RPT.



CHAIR - Scott Steinmaus, Biology

Al Liddicoat, Academic Personnel

Andrew Davol, Mechanical Engineering

Andrew Kean, Mechanical Engineering

Bill Plummer, Animal Science

Bill Siembieda, City & Regional Planning

Brian Tietje, Continuing Education

Christopher Li, Biology

Dan Peterson, Animal Science

Denis Campbell, Student Affairs

Franz Kurfess, Computer Science

Giancarlo Fiorenza, Art & Design

Glen Thorncroft, Mechanical Engineering

Graham Archer, Architectural Engineering

Joe Grimes, CTL

Keith Vorst, Industrial Technology

Lauren Garner, Horticulture & Crop Science

Nicole Varvitsiotes, Business

Susan Opava, Research & Graduate Programs

Xenia Bixler, Grants Development



Resolution on Defining and Adopting the Teacher-Scholar  Model

Resolution on Defining and Adopting the Teacher-Scholar Model

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