FAQ - Office Hours
Where can I find the detailed office hour policies at Cal Poly?
Office hour polices were modified Feb 2020 by Academic Senate resolution AS-886-20, which updates subchapter 12.2 of the University Faculty Personnel Policies.
You can find the resolution here: AS-886-20
You can find the University Faculty Personnel Policies (UFPP) here: UFPP
What are the minimum number of scheduled office hours?
In summary, the minimum weekly office hour scheduling shall be scaled to instructional assignments as showing the following table. See subchapter 12.2.8 of the UFPP for more details. Note: Tenure-line faculty whose instructional assignments have been reduced to zero WTU but who are involved in research or other projects involving supervision of students shall hold a minimum of one regularly scheduled in-person office hour. Departments and colleges may have further provisions. See UFPP subchapter 12.2.8 for more details.
Can office hours be held online?
Yes. However, scheduled office hours should be congruent with the mode of engagement with students for the instructional or advising function that requires the scheduling of the office hours. Departments and colleges shall have their own policies in place to allow for general allowances. See UFPP subchapter 12.2.10 for more details.