The Academic Senate is the faculty governing body of the University representing approximately over 1,300 faculty members. It is the principal mechanism for consultative participation by the University community in the administrative decisions of the President. This legislative body is comprised of approximately 50 elected faculty representatives, 4 administrators, and 2 students.
The Academic Senate formulates and evaluates policy and procedures on academic, fiscal, and personnel matters. The work of the Senate is accomplished through its several committees (comprised of approximately 130 faculty, administrators, and students), which received their charges from the Academic Senate Executive Committee. Recommended action is forwarded to the Academic Senate for deliberation and then to the President for approval and implementation. In addition, the Academic Senate may make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor, or the CSU Academic Senate that it judges will benefit the CSU.
The Academic Senate web address is https://academicsenate.calpoly.edu/ and contains a copy of all pertinent Senate documents (Constitution of the Faculty and Bylaws of the Academic Senate, current academic senators and Academic Senate committee memberships, the Academic Senate Calendar of Meetings, etc.) and other university information.
The Academic Senate office is located in building 38 (Mathematics and Science), room 143. The telephone number of the office is 805.756.1258 and office staff can be emailed at sbest@calpoly.edu (Sarah Best). This year's Academic Senate Chair is Jerusha Greenwood (Experience Industry Management Department) who can be reached at 805.756.2050 or jbgreenw@calpoly.edu. Please feel free to contact the Chair or the Senate office staff with any questions or comments you may have.