FAQ - Crisis Management


Who do I contact in case of a Psychological Emergency?

A faculty or staff member can call 805-756-2511 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to talk to a counselor regarding a student's psychological emergency. After regular hours, the call will be handled by an offsite service, Protocall, who will help you or the student make a plan to resolve issues and to make it until Counseling Services is open. The Protocall service is made possible by the Student Success Fee.

During Counseling Services' regular hours, M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (Wednesdays 9:00 am - 4:30 pm), you can also walk a student to Counseling Services which is located in the Health Center just west of the Rec Center.

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Who do I contact in case of a Crisis Medical Emergency?

Faculty should call 911 to reach the University Police Department regarding any student medical emergency or needing assistance with an immediate crisis.  In addition, University Police Department (805-756-2281) will provide assistance and referrals to other campus offices as situation requires. 

For questions regarding student medical concerns, refer students to walk-in to Campus Health & Wellbeing during regular hours, M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm (Wednesdays 9:00 am - 4:30 pm), or after hours to call at 805-756-1211. An after hours advice nurse can answer students' questions and help them decide if they need to seek immediate medical care or can wait until the Health Center is next open.

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What does faculty need to know about Medical Emergencies in the classroom?

Call 911 from either a campus phone or a cellular phone. The dispatcher will send University Police as well as medical response personnel from SLO City Fire and/or San Luis Ambulance, as appropriate. Stay on the phone with the dispatcher until instructed to hang up. University Policy is available at 805-756-2281.

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Will the campus ever be locked-down?

Under some emergency conditions, the campus may be locked down. Some of the factors that may be considered are the nature of the emergency or the type of threat, the type, and/or size of the building or area involved, the number of people involved, and the ability to physically control access or egress. To that end, the decision to "lock down" or secure a building, facility or the entire campus will be based on several factors. The decision, again based on the nature and scope of the particular situation, may be made at any time during the life of a dynamic, evolving event and may be made by different authorities in different situations.

We strongly encourage all faculty to join the PolyAlert cell phone-based emergency notification system (instructions on the Portal). This enables faculty to receive the most immediate and timely emergency-specific information and instructions via text messages on their cell phones. The campus also has an emergency notification system that utilizes the campus telephones as announcement devices and outdoor speakers located on the Administration Building and the Cotchett Education Building. Necessary actions in the event of an emergency will be provided via these notification systems.

For more information, contact the University Police Department at 805-756-2281.  Safety and news information is available at 805-756-6397.

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When should the Dean of Students Office be contacted?

The Dean of Students office will provide guidance and assistance to faculty concerning student behavior.  Faculty may report to the Dean of Students (805-756-0327) any student who displays disruptive behavior or other conduct that interferes with the classroom; or behavior that interferes with the ability of faculty, staff, or students to work or learn; or demonstrates behavior of a psychological concern to the faculty. If the faculty feels an immediate threat, contact University Police Department by calling 911.  In addition, faculty may report a student conduct concern to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities at 805-756-6274.

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